
Nimble News & Views from the People's Republik of Washington


To Face Mask or Not to Face Mask, That is a Question

It won’t look like last year. In fact, Independence Day 2020 won’t look like any other year, thanks to the Wuhan flu and the draconian measures put in place around same by Governor Inslee:

  • No big backyard barbecues
  • No beach throngs
  • No cheering crowds at baseball games
  • No kids lined up for ice cream treats
  • No big fireworks shows, concerts, or parades
  • No ‘huddled masses,’ yearning to breathe free

Here a Mask, There a Mask, Everywhere a Mask, Mask

Face masks or facial coverings are the big go-to these days in combatting the spread of the corona virus. You can’t spend ten seconds on-line without someone, somewhere, jumping on the face mask band wagon.

It usually looks something like:

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Face Masks R Us!

So Gov. Mao issued a statewide edict making face masks “mandatory.” (See prior post for more.) But what does that mean, and how does it affect you?

Well, there’s some debate about whether or not Inslee’s latest royal decree is even legal, since the legislative branch makes law, not the executive. Or whether or not it’s enforceable. But let’s not get picky here, okay?

Masks R Us!

Well. We like to be helpful here at Conservelocity. So if you’re fresh out of face mask ideas, fear not! We’ve gotcha covered (pun intended).

Gov. Mao hasn’t mandated exactly what type of mask the peasants are now *required* to wear. Yet. So we’ve rounded up a quick compilation of the latest and greatest in face mask fashion. Choose from a dazzling array of totally woke and wow face masks. Order by midnight and we’ll throw in a set of Ginza knives, free!

In no particular order:

See the source image

Technically, it covers the nose. So it’s good, right?


Face maskCostume Face MaskWashable Breathable Comfortable image 0

What’s not to love?


See the source image

Ain’t that suh-weet?

See the source image

Don’t make me explain this.


See the source image

Bonus points if purchased as a launching shield combo.

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Wait. Did Biden actually emerge from his basement here?

  • my governor is an idiot

    Designed and Sold by storeitnow

Which one gets your vote? Your favorite not listed here? Chime in (while you still can)!